Students » Academic Handbook

Academic Handbook



Our mission is to provide high quality and interesting educational programs dedicated to ensure a brighter future for our students through student-centered learning. Our educational personnel and community will support our student-centered learning opportunities.


Our mission is to support, challenge and motivate our students to perform at their highest potential and ultimately instill an appreciation for learning. We will involve parents and community as active participants in the education of our students. Our students will utilize the necessary tools and opportunities to become productive members of our community. Our administration and support staff will create a safe and orderly educational environment to establish and encourage success for all students alike.


The purpose of this handbook is to provide information to parents about the programs available to the student, the rules and regulations, and other items of interest concerning the Gadsden Elementary School District #32. Each parent is asked to read this book and familiarize themselves with the information about any of the District’s programs. Please contact the Principal of San Luis Middle School or you may contact the superintendent at the District Office.

I have read the contents of this handbook and understand the rules and policies it contains. It is my responsibility to follow these guidelines, for the good of others, and myself and realize the consequences for not following the guidelines in this handbook. It is my responsibility to carry this handbook with me at all times.

STUDENT NAME_______________________________ DATE_________________

I understand the contents of this handbook and realize the rules and policies it contains have been designed to provide ALL students with the most positive learning environment possible.

PARENT/GUARDIAN____________________________ DATE________________

Nuestra misión es la de proveer programas educativos interesantes de alta calidad dedicados a fomentar un futuro prometedor para nuestros alumnos, a través de instrucción centrada en estudiante. El personal docente y comunidad apoyarán los beneficios que ofrece nuestra doctrina centrada en el estudiante.

Nuestra misión es apoyar, desafiar y motivar a nuestros estudiantes para realizarze en su máximo potencial y en última instancia inculcar una apreciación por el aprendizaje. Involucraremos a los padres y la Comunidad como participantes activos en la educación de nuestros estudiantes. Nuestros alumnos utilizarán las herramientas necesarias y oportunidades para convertirse en miembros productivos de nuestra comunidad. Nuestro personal docente y administración crearán un entorno educativo seguro y ordenado para establecer y promover el éxito de todos los alumnos por igual.


El propósito de este folleto es para informar a los padres de los programas disponibles para los estudiantes, los reglamentos, y otros temas de interés ligados y que conciernen al Distrito Escolar de Gadsden #32. Les pedimos que lean este folleto y se familiaricen con la información. Si necesita más información sobre este folleto, favor comuníquese con el director de la escuela, o en la oficina del Superintendente ubicada en la Oficina Administrativa del Distrito.

He leído el contenido de este manual y estoy conciente de las reglas y sus pólizas. Es mi responsabilidad seguir los reglamentos, ya que beneficiarán mi persona y la de las demás. Estoy conciente de las consecuencias si no sigo al pie de la letra, las indicaciones de este manual. Es mi responsabilidad, llevar este manual conmigo en todo momento.

Nombre del estudiante ______________________________________ Fecha ________________

Comprendo lo que contiene este manual y estoy conciente de las reglas y pólizas que se han designado para proporcionarles a TODOS los estudiantes un ambiente académico propicio y positivo.

Padre/Guardián __________________________________ Fecha ________________



Students will perform at grade level or above in reading using state approved evaluation instruments.

Students will perform at grade level or above in mathematics using state approved evaluation instruments

Develop and implement quality extra-curricular student activities.


According to Gadsden Elementary School District Governing Board, Policy JECB “Residency of the parent/guardian or surrogate may be determined by showing the individual’s presence and intent to remain in the District. Documentation of residency may include, but is not limited to, landlord-tenant agreements, rent or lease receipts and receipts for utility payment.”

Adopted: December 13, 1994


The person enrolling a student (except homeless students as defined in A.S.R. 15-824) in the District for the first time will be asked to produce one of the following proofs (A.R.S. 15-828):

 A certified copy of the child’s birth certificate.

 Other reliable proof of the student’s identity and age, including the student’s baptismal certificates, an application for Social Security number, original school registration records, and an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate.

 A letter from the authorized representative of an agency having custody of the student (pursuant to statute) certifying that the student has been placed in the custody of the agency as prescribed by law.

 The parent, guardian, or surrogate will be given thirty days to provide documentation requested as listed above. If documentation is not provided, a letter will be sent to notify the parent, guardian, or surrogate that unless the documentation is provided within ten days, the local law enforcement agency will be notified.

Nothing contained in this policy, JEC (1), shall authorize the District to disclose to any person a student’s educational record without prior parental consent unless the District makes a determination that disclosure of such records is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student.

Adopted: December 13, 1994

1) Last Report Card from previous school.
2) Certified copy of child’s birth certificate.
3) The child’s immunization records

1) Certified copy of the child’s birth certificate.
2) The child’s immunization records.
3) A legal document from the court indicating that the guardian has legal custody of the child. Notarized letters or other non-court documents ARE NOT acceptable.

1) Utility bills (electric/water) and rent receipts for three consecutive months prior to enrollment are needed unless the parent or legal guardian has legitimate proof that they are new residents of the district.
2) Rent receipt from landlord with signature clearly legible.

1) The person with whom the registering family resides must accompany the parent to register the children.
2) The person with whom the registering family is residing must:
a) Furnish utility bills (electric/water) for the three prior consecutive months with their name and correct address on it.
b) Rent receipt for the prior three consecutive months and lease agreement with the landlord’s signature clearly legible.


Each student is responsible for attending school every day the district is in session. Poor attendance usually results in poor academic progress and may lead to retention in the same grade for the following year. SLMS will contact the parents throughout the school year using our School Messenger system in the morning and afternoon to report student absences. School Messenger is an automatic communication system used to inform parents if their son/daughter did not report to school. For this reason, it is crucial that SLMS has your current telephone number in our system.

Excused absences are absences the parent and/or guardian is aware of and/or are as follows:
• Necessary family trips where prior arrangements have been made with the Principal;
• Parent/guardian coming to the school to sign a student out for the day;
• Emergencies due to an accident;
• Illness;
• Family medical emergency;
• Injury to the student requiring medical attention.

Unexcused absences are absences the parent is unaware of and/or are as follows:
• any absence for which a note is not received;
• missing the school bus;
• family vacation;
• student leaving school ground without permission;
• and coming to school but not attending class.

Doctor and Dentist’s appointments, as well as other non-medical appointments, should be made after school hours or as late in the day as possible. Students are not to miss an entire day of school due to scheduled appointments. Consequences for five (5) or more excused/unexcused absences – Attendance in the Academic Make Up Program (AMP) and/or Saturday School. AMP will be served upon the student’s return to school. Students who have been absent (excused or unexcused) may not participate in any after-school activities for that day (sports practice/games, club meetings, dances, etc.).


A child between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16) failing to attend school during the hours school is in session is truancy unless excused pursuant to A.R.S. 15-802, 15-803, or 15-901; which states allowable absences to be 10% of the school year; equivalent to 18 days total.
Truant means an unexcused absence for at least one (1) class period during the day. This includes absence from any class, study hall, or activity during the school day for which the student is scheduled.
Unexcused absence for at least five (5) school days within a school year constitutes habitual truancy. The Superintendent will establish procedures to identify and deal with unexcused absences, beginning with notification of parents. Continued violation may lead to discipline of the child and/or referral of the parent to Yuma County Juvenile Court. Upon referral from school, parents will be contacted to complete a survey in regards to absences.


When a student returns to school after being absent he/she must give a note to the Attendance Secretary at the office. The note must state the day or days student was absent and the reason for being absent. A parent or guardian must sign the note. If absent more than three days a doctor’s note must be submitted in order for the absence to be excused. The student will be given an admit slip, which is to be given to the teacher when entering class. The Principal will make the final decision of whether or not an absence is excused or unexcused.

STUDENT WITHDRAWALS - If your child withdraws from school you are asked to come to the school on the child’s last day of school to sign necessary withdrawal forms.


FIGHTING – Fighting during school hours, at any time on the school ground, on the bus or at the bus stops, or at any school activity will not be tolerated and disciplinary action will be taken-Out of School Suspension.
DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY – Students will respect and care for their school and its fixtures. Intentional destruction of books or equipment, writing or marking on walls, desks, or other fixtures, and damage to any property of the school or anyone else’s property on the school grounds will have disciplinary action. This includes books from the library that have been lost and damaged. Students will have to pay for any damage made to school property.
Students should not bring markers or white-out to school. It will be confiscated.
ILLEGAL CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES/POSSESSION OF PARAPHENELIA – Students using, possessing, selling, or being under the influence of any illegal drug, alcohol, or any intoxicant of any kind shall be suspended from school pending a hearing before the Governing Board of the Gadsden Elementary School District for long-term suspension or expulsion.
SMOKING – Smoking or possession of cigarettes or any other tobacco product at any time on the school grounds or at any student activity will result in disciplinary action.
CHEATING – When a student is guilty of cheating, the teacher will collect the student’s work, mark a zero for the work, and notify the office of the incident. The office will contact the parents to arrange a conference to discuss the problem.
ROUGH PLAY – Dangerous play, such as rock throwing, roughhousing, hitting, kicking, etc, are not allowed on the school grounds.
ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT – Cell phones, IPODs, MP3 players, CD players, or any other electronic devices are not to be brought to school. If these items are brought to school they will be confiscated and returned upon parent pickup. Please note the school assumes no liability for any damages or loss of such items.
BUS RULES – Students are to wait at designated bus stops in an orderly manner and must line up to get on the bus. Students are not to push, shove, or crowd on or off the bus. Arms, hands, heads, and objects are not to be outside the windows. Objects are not to be thrown out the windows or on the bus. In the case of a repeated offense the item will not be returned until the end of the school year. Do not take glass containers, animals or balloons on the bus. These items are not allowed on the bus. Follow the instructions of the bus driver at all times or your bus privileges may be suspended.
CLOSED CAMPUS – San Luis Middle School is a closed campus. Once you arrive at school you must remain on school grounds until regular dismissal time. If you must leave school early your parents or guardian must come to the office personally. Students who leave campus without permission will be subject to disciplinary action. Breakfast and Lunch are provided for the students at the Cafeteria.
TARDINESS – Students accumulating four tardies for arriving late to school will be assigned lunch detention. Students are to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. Students accumulating 4 tardies will receive lunch detention. Excess tardies with multiple teachers will incur to a one day in ISS.
FOOD AND DRINK – Gum and candy is not allowed anywhere on campus. Students purchasing food at school must eat and drink in designated areas. Food and beverages are not to be removed from the cafeteria without prior teachers’ arrangement/permission.
PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION – Inappropriate displays of affection such as hugging, kissing or holding hands on school grounds is not allowed.


Students are to be dressed and groomed neatly, reflecting pride in themselves and their school. Uniform dress shall be required per school policy JFCA, and it will be the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the dress code. Non-compliance could result in disciplinary action.

Uniforms Described (JICA)
 Black bottoms:
o Boys; slacks or shorts,
o Girls; slacks, shorts, skirts or dress; length must be longer than the students longest fingertip,
o If bottom has belt loops, belt must be worn,
o Items that are not acceptable; jean type material, leggings or tight fitting style bottoms, wrong color (too dark),
o Students are not allowed to roll up pant or shorts,
o No leggings/tights underneath can be worn.
 Polo shirt:
o Must be Burgundy
o Shirt must have a collar and sleeves
o Must be tucked in at all times
o If an undershirt is worn, it must be white in color
o All undergarments must be white in color
 Sweater or Jacket:
o If needed due to weather conditions, either a navy blue or white sweater may be worn, must be plain; no stripes or prints allowed
o May be either a pullover (hoodie) or zipper style and white shirt collar must be exposed,
o Sweater may be worn inside the buildings and/or classrooms if meets standards,
o If jacket is worn, the student must remove it before entering the school buildings and/or classroom
o Neck scarves can only be worn during cold weather; not for decorative purposes,
o Students who are wearing jackets and/or sweaters that do not meet the requirements will be asked to remove it; turning jacket/sweater inside out is not acceptable.
Dress Code:
 Dress and grooming shall neither present a risk to the health, safety, or general welfare of students or others in the school nor interfere with or disrupt the educational environment or process. Dress and grooming shall not be contrary to curriculum goals and or educational objectives.
 Clothing may not advertise or promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, and illegal activities, sexual or violent behavior or display lewd, vulgar, obscene, or offensive language or symbols.
 Jackets must be navy blue or white and will be taken off upon entering the school building. Again, no logos, words, or pictures are allowed on the jackets.
 Earrings on boys are not allowed. Earrings on girls should be no larger that a quarter and dangling earrings no longer than one inch. Any other piercings are not allowed.
 Clothing may not have any logos other than the approved school logo patch, or the name of the school embroidered on the shirt.
 Shoes should fit properly. Open toed shoes, sandals, flip-flops are not permitted.
 Hats, caps, bandanas and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building.
 Clothing shall not expose the chest, abdomen, genital area, or buttocks and shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Clothing such as see-through or fishnet fabrics, low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and tight-fitting or excessively short shorts or skirts are prohibited.
 Properly fitted clothing is to be worn. Oversized clothing, extremely baggy, tight, or improperly fitted is not allowed. Pants and shorts must be worn on the waist. “Sagging” is prohibited.
 Dyed colored hair will not be permitted. Examples of hair color not acceptable are: blue, green, red, white, and purple, or any non-natural color.

Special Occasions/Spirit Week:
 School administration/Student Council may approve special apparel days for students, it is the student’s responsibility to comply with rules/expectations for each day approved.


Gangs that initiate, advocate, or promote activities that threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or disrupt the school environment are harmful to the educational process. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of dress or grooming that, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute indicates or implies membership or affiliation with such a group is prohibited because of the disruption to educational activities that results from such activities or dress. It is the District's position that such activities and dress also present a clear and present danger to other District students and to District staff members.
Any activity involving an initiation, hazing, intimidation, assault, or other activity related to group affiliation that is likely to cause or does cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students or others is prohibited.
Any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang paraphernalia and/or exhibiting behavior or gestures that symbolize gang membership, or causing and/or participating in activities that intimidate or adversely affect the educational activities of another student, or the orderly operation of the schools, shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Gang related dress, grooming, language, and behavior on school property and at school events is disruptive to the education mission and purpose of the school and therefore is prohibited where they:
 Threaten the health/safety of persons or the security of property.
 Create an atmosphere of threat, intimidation or influence.
 Disrupt or may disrupt the educational/process or interfere with curriculum goals or education objectives.
Evidence of such gang-related dress, grooming, language and or behavior may include but is not limited to:
 Tattoos, clothing, or paraphernalia that is associated with a group or gang.
 Gestures and drawing or gang graffiti including symbols, or emblems.
 Gang-related language, this includes any claim of gang membership and threatening.
The principal and vice principal will determine what gang dress, grooming language, and or behavior is under this policy. Students who violate this policy are subject immediate to disciplinary action.


Harassment, GESD#32 Policy #ACA, sexual harassment includes unwelcomed verbal or physical conduct made to another student or staff member. Either type of harassment will not be tolerated and are subject to immediate disciplinary actions.

Intimidation is a behavior not desired by someone. Some characteristics of this behavior include:
• Trying to exercise control over another person.
• Trying to hurt or torment someone else: physically or verbally.
• Attempting to humiliate another person.
• Trying to hurt someone else: emotionally or psychologically.
San Luis Middle School does not tolerate intimidation and will continue the policy of the Administrative Board. The expectation of San Luis Middle School is that all are treated with respect.


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

1. An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.

2. Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

• Bullying is any attempt to exercise power over another person.
• Bullying is any behavior aimed to hurt another person: physically or verbally.
• Bullying is any behavior aimed to humiliate another person.
• Bullying is emotional or psychological in intent.

San Luis Middle School has a zero tolerance policy for individuals who bully others and will follow the governing board policy. At San Luis Middle School, our expectation is for all individuals to treat others with respect.

• Walk-in orderly fashion.
• Form two lines (male, female).
• Proceed forward in groups of ten.
• Sit properly with feet facing the table.
• Keep your area clean.
• Raise hands before being dismissed.
• Keep food in the cafeteria.

• Stay in designated areas.
• Use bathroom in gym hall.
• Practice safety procedures while playing.
• Respect each other at all times.

• Use quiet voices.
• Walk on sidewalks at all times.
• Possess a pass to exit the classroom.
• Help keep our school campus clean.
• Practice safety procedures.


The consequences for misbehavior and not following school rules are outlined in the Discipline Matrix.

Teachers will handle the majority of discipline problems in the classroom. They may follow their own discipline matrix.

STEP 1 - Three verbal warnings with documentation of date, time, and action taken.
STEP 2 - Lunch Detention with parent notification: Detention will be for the student’s lunch period and will be served in the ISS room. Any student who ditches detention will be assigned additional detentions.
STEP 3 - Lunch Detention with parent notification: Detention will be for the student’s lunch period and will be served in the ISS room. Any student who ditches detention will be assigned additional detentions.
STEP 4 - After School Detention with parent notification: Detention will be for an hour and will be served in the ISS room. Any student who ditches detention will be assigned a 2 hour detention on Wednesdays or assigned to ISS.
STEP 5 - Wednesday after School Detention with parent notification: Detention will be for two hours and will be served in the ISS room. Any student who ditches Wednesday’s detention will be assigned to ISS.
STEP 6 - Referral to Administration Office.


Students referred to the administration will be assigned the following consequences:

CONFERENCE - A conference with the Principal or Assistant Principal will be held. If misbehavior continues after a warning has been given, a more severe consequence will be used.

IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION – Students will be assigned to Recovery, ISS#1, ISS#2, ISS3#, for infractions violating school policy. Each student will serve days mandated by the administration in the ISS room. Upon receiving ISS#3 students will receive out of school suspension for any other days of discipline.

SUSPENSION – Suspension from school will be for a period of one to ten days. Parents must accompany students when they return to school after being suspended.

TRANSFER TO ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL – Some students may be transferred to the Alternative school setting. The following procedures must be met for the transfer to be complete. Meeting with the Alternative School committee and the Administration of all schools involved.

LONG - TERM SUSPENSION/EXPULSION – The Governing Board alone has the power to expel students or to suspend students for a period of more than ten days. In all cases of long-term suspension or expulsion, a hearing will be held with a Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer then makes a recommendation to the Governing Board. Students in the Gadsden School District will always be given their rights to due process guaranteed under the constitution of the State of Arizona and the United States of America.



The students will receive their report card at the end of the nine weeks grading period. The report cards will be distributed at Parent-Teacher Conferences (first and third quarters). Progress Reports will be given to students every three weeks throughout the school year.


Academic Standards: Students must pass 75% of their core classes (Math, Reading, Writing, and Science) to be promoted to the next grade level AND a 1.5 GPA or higher in non-core classes (P.E., Art, Computers, Social Studies, and Mastery Math)

Criteria: Student retention is based on many factors, each one contributing to the overall academic progress of the student. The following criteria will be considered in student retention:

 Failure to pass 75% of core classes
 Poor Attendance
 Social and Physical maturity
 Individual ability; special needs students
 Effort shown; use of supplemental services
 Academic growth as measured by standardized assessments.

Procedure: If a student is demonstrating academic difficulty, the following steps will be taken to address the concern:

1st Quarter Evaluation: A meeting will be scheduled with each student in academic jeopardy to discuss the promotion plan.
2nd Quarter Evaluation: Parents will be notified by letter of their child’s academic difficulties anda asking them for assistance in improving their child’s academic performance.
3rd Quarter Evaluation: A letter/personal contact will be made to parents/guardians to advise them of students that are in danger of not passing. A parent/student/teacher conference will be scheduled to discuss concerns and outline an achievement plan.
4th Quarter Evaluation: The staff and administration will meet to review academic status and contributing factors in determining promotion/retention of the student.


Students who have excessive absences may be excluded from the promotion ceremony and dance. Students who have an excessive amount of discipline referrals may not be allowed to attend the promotion ceremony and dance. This includes, but is not limited to: excessive office referrals or two or more out of school suspensions. Students suspended out of school during the last nine weeks of school will be excluded from the promotion ceremony and dance.


San Luis Middle School is proud of our students who challenge themselves with high academic standards. Placement on the Academic Honor Roll is given to all students who have attained at least a 3.0 grade point average, not less than a B in any subject, and no unsatisfactory conduct. Academic recognition is also given to students who have a grade point average of at least 3.0 but did have a C. We invite all San Luis Middle School students to take the academic challenge and set goals to do the best they can do.

The grading policy for San Luis Middle School is as follows:

98-100% A+ (Excellent)
93-97% A
90-92% A-
88-89% B+ (Good)
83-87% B
80-82% B-
78-79% C+ (Average)
73-77% C
70-72% C-
68-69% D+ (Below Average)
63-67% D
60-62% D-
Below 60% F (Failing)

A grade of (I) indicating incomplete is given only under special circumstances and becomes an “F” four weeks later if class requirements have not been completed. Arranging for make-up work is the responsibility of the student.


San Luis Middle School encourages all of our students and their parents to participate in the following programs, recognitions, clubs and activities. They include:

Academics Clubs & Other Activities
Accelerated Reader AWC Leadership Conference
ACT/JHU Chess Club
AWC College Courses Community Service
Close Up ELL Student Success
Gifted Program Health Ambassadors
Honor Roll Marching/Mariachi/Jazz Band
National Jr. Honor Society Media Club
Space Camp Migrant Logo Contest
Spelling Bee Newsletter
Recognitions Odyssey of the Mind
NIE Yuma Daily Sun Go Getters Rocket Club
Perfect Attendance Rubiks Cube Club
PTO (Monthly) Recognitions Sports
Raul Grijalva Award Student Council
Rotary (Monthly) Recognitions Talent Shows
Scorpion Hero (Monthly) Recognitions U of A Women's Leadership Conference
Student of the Month Yearbook Club
Yuma County Arts Festival
Adult Services
Citizenship Classes GED Classes

All students that participate in a club/activity/sport must meet eligibility requirements; they are:
1. Physical and insurance on record (sports only)
2. Academic requirements must be meet:
a. Passing grades (no D’s or F’s) in all classes on the most current progress report or report card
b. If student has a non-passing grade (D or F) in any class he/she cannot practice, play game or participate in club event until grade check is completed by the teacher in the class that has failing grade. Grade check forms are available to all students in the front office.